Friday, February 4, 2011

Wk 1-Entry 4-Free Choice-The Journey

It has been a long journey to get to month 11. There have been many sleepless nights and many cups of Vanilla Caramel Latte by General Foods International. I have enjoyed the journey, but I am glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have been extremely discouraged, as I have realized that my state and district does not recognize this degree program for the advancement of my teaching certificate nor a pay raise. I am hopeful for a solution to my dilemma, although it's not looking bright.

I am proud of the work that I have completed along the way, and I am thankful for the opportunity and experiences that I have gained through this program. The professors have been so encouraging and helpful, and I have met people that I will never forget. I have enjoyed implementing the things I have learned with my students, and I have been thrilled watching them get excited about learning.

Our society is media driven. Our students are immersed in it. Taking the knowledge that we have gained over the last 10 months and putting it into action within the class has been a joy. I walk away knowing that all of my invested time and energy has been worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing parts of your journey with us all.
